La aplicación del neoinstitucionalismo económico en los mecanismos administrativos para la entrega de la reparación material a las víctimas de la desaparición forzada en Colombia


  • Carlos Hernán Mina Chicué Universidad Libre
  • Victor Daniel Verbel Universidad Libre


Victims, armed conflict, material reparation, administrative mechanism, economic institutionalism


The victims of the armed conflict who carry out the process of material reparation in the Administrative Unit for Repair the Victims have some difficulties in the moment when they try to receive the money that they deserve, this investigation relate about the social-juri- dical dimension and seeks support the importance of the material reparation, which is a benefit who has the victims of the armed conflict so that the violated rights for the improvidence of the state be compensated, through economic institutionalism to be assessed from this perspective the application of administrative mechanism for the rule applies in an effective way and together with the perpetrators of this victimizing fact, achieved bigger resources with the implementation of the Fund for Reparation to Victims, besides internationalize the human rights for the existence of more activity by international organisms who are interested in post conflict so that there weighting rights and so ensure the material reparation.


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