
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

Criterio Libre Jurídico receives for publication research, reflection and review articles, result of scientific and technological research projects, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, unpublished and original, which implies that they must not have been published totally or partially, in another medium: magazine or book, physical or electronic. Manuscripts must be sent in a Word file to the OJS (upload the article file) of the journal. You are also requested to attach (upload additional files) the formats indicated below:

  1. Completed article application form. Here
  2. Author's resume format, filled out by each author. Here
  3. Model document for guarantees and assignment of copyrights in favor of Revista Criterio Libre Jurídico. Here
  4. Declaration of conflict of interest. Here

In order to preserve the inclusion of authors from different countries, the Journal may include a maximum of 20% of articles written by Researchers-Teachers-Students, associated to the Universidad Libre de Colombia.

Typographical specifications

- File: Letter size
- Minimum length of the article will be 16 pages and maximum 30 pages, including bibliography/ literature cited, illustrations, graphs, tables and annexes.
- Source: Arial 12 point.
- Spaced:
  - Single-spaced, left-aligned text, except in tables and
  - Two spaces after the end point of a sentence
  - Margins: 2.5 centimeters on each side
If the work requires graphic material, illustrations, photographs, tables, charts, maps, etc., these must appear directly in the text with all the accompanying textual information (numbering, calls, figure captions, fonts, etc.), to indicate where in the text the material should be included.

The order of the sections of the article should follow a similar order to the following:

  1. Presentation page 

Title in English and Spanish: Must be concise, precise but informative about the central content of the publication. Maximum 15 words. 
Brief description of each author: Authors will be identified by their first name, institutional link -city, country-, position, ORCID identifier updated, when applying link to CvLAC (basic electronic resume format used by Colciencias) and contact email. In the case of multiple authors, one author should be selected for correspondence.
Analytical summary in Spanish and English (and if possible in Portuguese): no more than 180 words, describing the purposes or objectives, the material and method, the main results and the most important conclusions. Citations and equations should be avoided.
Key words in Spanish and English: Authors should propose 3 to 8 keywords that identify the article. 

It is important to inform if the manuscript was derived from a: Master's thesis or PhD thesis. In case of having indicated any of the options, the appropriate information of the base source should be placed as a footnote within the article; likewise, the respective bibliographic reference should be presented.

In any case, Criterio Libre Jurídico will not accept articles whose content is greater than 20% of the source work - Master's Thesis or Doctoral Thesis - published in institutional repositories or other open access media.
2. Body of the article (the text should not be sent in two columns)

 - For scientific and technological research articles, the following structure is suggested

Introduction. Gives an account of the background and objective of the research. A paragraph should be included that sets out the main theme/sections of the article.
Theoretical framework. It includes the bibliographic review that justifies the research, where the results of studies that validate the importance and need for the research work are commented on.
Methodology. Presents and justifies the set of rational procedures used to achieve the objective or series of objectives of the research.
Results. It presents the main results of the application of the methodology used in a comprehensible and necessary way to evaluate the validity of the research. They should be presented in the order in which the objectives were set.
Discussion of the results. The style of the discussion should be argumentative and make judicious use of the polemic and debate by the author in order to convince the reader that the results have internal and external validity. It is suggested to discuss first the own and the most important results, then to compare the own results with those of other similar studies published, according to the bibliographic review.
Conclusions. They are connected with the purposes of the study established in the introduction, but they do not represent a summary of it. The conclusions must be clearly presented as an answer to the question that originated the study and to the objectives set out, therefore, there must be as many conclusions as objectives. The recommendations and limitations of the article are highlighted and future lines of research are proposed.

Bibliographic references/ literature cited. These are constituted by a list of the data of each source consulted for the elaboration of the article. It includes articles published in scientific journals, articles accepted for publication (in the process of printing/publication), book chapters, books, theses deposited in libraries and documents published on the Internet.
This list allows you to identify and locate the sources to ensure the information contained allí́ or complement it if necessary. All authors cited in the body of a text or paper should match the list of bibliographic references listed at the end, never refer to an author who has not been cited in the text and vice versa.
The list of bibliographical references listed at the end of the article is made with 1.5 line spacing, and should be organized according to the alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors of the sources. For the referencing of numbers or volumes of a publication it is necessary to use Arabic and not Roman numbers.  

The standards to be used in the bibliographic references listed at the end of the article are based on the ICONTEC style for bibliography - see NTC 5613, NTC 4490 - 3 July 2008.  For online bibliographic references the DOI of the articles, books should be included, the format is . . and/or the download link. 

You can consult the information at the end of this section.

Annexes: In this optional section you can place important material or secondary information that is too extensive. 

- The following structure is suggested for the reflection articles:

- Introduction: Must be evident
    The General Topic: we talk in a general way about the topic that is the object of reflection, without        deepening or exposing the academic judgments that will be developed in the rest of the article.
   Alternate positions: the social or theoretical conceptions that exist around the topic under reflection are expressed.
    Position to defend or objective of the work: the subjective reading that is tried to develop in the article is enunciated, or, the objective or objectives that are tried to develop in the document of reflection are outlined.
Reflection: cohesive, unified and coherent presentation of the ideas and arguments built as a result of a process of research and analysis. The Reflection is developed according to the scheme Subtitle -------- opinions and arguments
Conclusions: the results and implications of the proposed research or reflection are presented and interpreted.
Bibliographic references/ literature cited. NTC 5613, NTC 4490 - July 3, 2008. For online bibliographic references, the DOI of the articles, books, should be included, the format is and/or the download link. You must submit a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
Attachments: Important material or secondary information that is too extensive is placed in this optional section.
  - The following structure is suggested for review articles:

- Introduction, where the objectives of the work are set, should state the need to address the question or questions to be answered (the topic to be reviewed).

- Methodology, which sets out how, with what criteria and which papers have been selected and reviewed.

Bibliographic search, selection criteria, information retrieval, documentary sources, evaluation of the quality of the selected articles. Analysis of the variability, reliability and validity of the articles.
- Development and discussion, the most outstanding details of the reviewed articles are presented (designs, biases, results, etc.) and, the discussed and argued synthesis of the results.

Organization and structuring of the data. Elaboration of the mind map. Combination of the results of different originals. Critical argumentation of the results (designs, biases, limitations, conclusions drawn).
- Conclusion, coherence based on the data and articles analysed.
The consequences drawn from the review, proposals for new hypotheses and specific lines of research for the future are presented. 

Bibliographical references/ literature cited.   NTC 5613, NTC 4490 - 3 July 2008. For the online bibliographic references, the DOI of the articles, books must be included, the format is . and/or the download link.  You must submit a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
Annexes: In this optional section, important material or secondary information that is too extensive is placed. 

  - For case studies/case reports, the following structure is suggested: Only one case study per issue will be published.

The case study/case report is defined by Colciencias as a "document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to publicize the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature on analogous cases" . The objective of including a case study is to provide tools of analysis on diverse situations of the regional, national or global context, which generate discussion based on the questions that should be posed in each case.

- Introduction, it should give an account of the background, objective and methodology of the research. At the end, a paragraph should be included that sets out the main theme/sections of the article.
- Theoretical framework, which includes the bibliographic review that justifies the research, where the results of studies (other cases) that validate the relevance and need for the research work are commented on.
- Case study, includes a systematic review commented on a particular situation, where the technical and methodological experiences of the case under study are made known.
Final discussion or reflection, reflection or comments arising from the review of the situation posed in the case study.
- Discussion questions, must include questions or exercises that are resolved from the review and/or reflection on the case under study.

For the online bibliographic references, the DOI of the articles, books must be included, the format is . and/or the download link. 
3. Textual quotations. Corresponds to original material cited from another source. A short textual citation (less than 40 words) is incorporated into the text and enclosed in double quotes. Quotations longer than 40 words should be placed in a separate block, without quotes, with smaller font size. In any case, the author, the year and the specific page of the quoted text must always be added (Valencia, 2015, p. 20), and the complete reference must be included in the list of references. Citations must be faithful, that is, no modifications should be made to the text, even if the spelling is wrong. They should not be in underlined or italicized text and in cases where the author wishes to emphasize, he may add italicized text and then bracket the text ¿[italicized added]¿. Only the page number should be added in cases of textual quotations (includes graphics and tables as well).

Style to present the bibliographical citations: for a work by author they will be included in the body of the text, between parenthesis (last name, year of publication). If the author is part of the narrative, only the year of publication of the article is included in parentheses. When the date and surname are part of the sentence, they are not included in parentheses.

Examples for citing a work by an author in the text:
 - In a research on social representations (Valencia, 2009) ...
- Valencia (2009) in his research on social representations ...
- In 2009, Valencia in its research on social representations ...

Works with multiple authors. When a work has two authors, both should be cited each time the reference occurs in the text. When a work has three, four or five authors, all authors are cited the first time the reference occurs in the text. In subsequent citations of the same work, the surname of the first author is given, followed by the phrase ¿et al.¿ and the year of publication. When a work is composed of six or more authors, only the last name of the first author is cited, followed by the phrase ¿et al.¿ and the year of publication, from the first time it appears in the text (in the list of references, however, the last names of all authors are reported).              

Example for citing works with multiple authors in the text
- this dimension is related to the perception of a fair result taking into account the investment (Messick and Cook , 1983)
- Ambrose, Hess, Ganesan, Silveti and Carr (2007) explain the main use of the concept of justice ... (first time cited in the text).
- Ambrose et al.(2007) propose to analyse the consumer's attitude ... (Next time mentioned in the text).

In the case that two or more works are cited by different authors in the same reference, the surnames and respective years of publication are written separated by a semicolon within the same parenthesis.

- The internationalization of companies is a topic that is widely accepted (Arias, 2004; Leonidou, 1995; McDougall, Shane and Oviatt, 1994; O'Farrell and Wood, 1998).

  1. Footnotes: The footnotes will show only explanatory information, consecutive, without graphics, figures or tables, not bibliographical.
  2. Tables, figures and illustrations: In the body of the text, all tables and figures must be mentioned before they are presented. Each of these categories will be numbered (continuous according to their appearance in the text Figure 1, Table 1), title and source. Tables and figures should be included in the appropriate place in the body of the text and should be sent in a separate file in their original format (PowerPoint, Excel, etc.). For tables and figures that are copied and reproduced from other sources, you must add the page number from which they were taken. Tables and figures should be designed in grayscale or black and white. Images and photos should be sent in high definition.
  3. Equations. Equations should be done only with an equation editor. All equations must be listed in order of appearance.
  4. General aspects to consider: a) In the articles in Spanish and Portuguese, in all figures (text, figures and tables), dots must be used as thousands and commas as decimal separators. In the articles in English, commas are used as thousands separator and dots as decimal separator. b) The articles must be written in third person singular (impersonal), have adequate punctuation and writing and not present spelling mistakes. The author is responsible for proofreading the article prior to its submission to the journal.

Style for bibliographic references/Literature cited and listed at the end of the body of text - 

see NTC 5613, NTC 4490 - July 3, 2008

ICONTEC standards and guidelines for bibliographic references or sources of information  NTC 5613, and NTC 4490, July 2008


Author(s) of the article. Date of publication, month and year. Title of the article. In: Title of the periodical (underlined and followed by a colon). Volume number. Issue number. Pagination, initial and final number. DOI identifier and/or download link.

Belalcázar-Correa, M. y Becerra-Aguilar, A. (2019). Una mirada psicosocial al discurso “Make America Great Again”: Influencia y exclusión social en algunos discursos de campaña presidencial de EE. UU 2017-2021. Revista Criterio Libre Jurídico, 16 (1), 4-13. Doi: 10.18041/1794-7200/clj.2019.v16n1.578


Author. Title. Subtitle. Subordinated Responsibility (optional). Edition (if not the first). City: Editor, year of publication. Page. Accompanying material (optional). Series (optional). ISBN (optional)

AYRES, Frank. Cálculo. Traducido por Yelka María García. 4. ed. Bogotá: McGraw-Hill, 2001. 596 p. (Serie compendios Schaum; no. 12). ISBN 958-41-0131-5

SMITH, Gordon; PARR, Russell L. Market and cost approaches. In: Valuation of intelectual property and intagible assets. 3 ed. New York: Jhon Wiley, 2000. P. 175-214

IMPRENTA NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA. Diario Oficial No. 44084; 44093. Ley 594 de 2000 (julio 14): por medio de la cual se dicta la Ley General de Archivos y se dictan otras disposiciones. Bogotá: Imprenta Nacional de Colombia, 2000. 89 p.


 Chapter author(s). Chapter title. In: (underlined and followed by a colon),author(s) of the book (with a capital letter). Title of the book. Number of the edition, different from the first one. Imprint: place of publication, name of the publisher, year of publication. Chapter page.

VARGAS OLARTE, Carlos Eduardo. Sport as an Object of Study. In: RITTNER, Volkar. Models of Sport. Cali: SFBD, 2018. 580 p.


Jurisdiction (country, department or municipality, in fixed capitals). Ministry or responsible entity, (in fixed capitals). Designation and number of the legal norm. Date of the legal regulation (day, month, year). Name of the legal regulation, if available. Title of the publication in which it officially appears. Place of publication. Date of publication. Number. Page number.

COLOMBIA. CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC. Law 100. (23, December, 1993). By which the system of integral social security is created and other dispositions are dictated. Official Gazette. Bogotá, D.C., 1993. No. 41148. p. 1-168

COLOMBIA. MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Decree 2269 (November 16, 1993), organizing the system of standardization, certification and metrology Bogotá D.C.: The Ministry,1993.18 p.

COLOMBIA. MINISTRY OF SOCIAL PROTECTION. Resolución 03997 (30, octubre, 1996). By which the activities and procedures for the development of promotion and prevention actions of the General System of Social Security in Health (SGSSS) are established. Bogotá: The Ministry, 1996. 16 p.


Entity responsible. Title. Code of the standard (if not part of the title). Edition. Place of publication. Publisher. Year. Pagination.

COLOMBIAN INSTITUTE OF STANDARDIZATION AND CERTIFICATION. Quality Management Systems: Fundamentals and Vocabulary. NTC-ISO 9001. Bogotá D.C.: The Institute, 2005. 36 p.

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION. Documentation -Bibliographic References - Content, form and Structure. ISO 690:1987. 2 ed. Geneve, Switzerland: ISO, 1987. 11 p.

SPANISH ASSOCIATION FOR STANDARDIZATION AND CERTIFICATION. General terms and their definitions regarding standardization and related activities. UNE 0-007-91. Madrid: AENOR, 1992.


Author(s) of the thesis. Title of the thesis. Mention or degree to which it is opted. Place of publication. Academic institution where it is presented. Year of publication. Page number.

ROJAS, María Helena; ZAMORA, María de Jesús. Physiotherapeutic treatment of standing neck disorders. Physical Therapy degree work. Bogotá D.C.: National University of Colombia. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Physical Therapy, 1989. 158 p.


WORLD WIDE WEB CONSORTIUM. W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative Holds Best Practices Training in Spain; Webmasters, Designers Meet in Madrid to Learn About Accessible Design. In: ProQuest [online database]. Web page in HTML version. New York: Business Wire, 2004. [cited January 2, 2005]. Available on the Internet:> p.1


-Don't put a dot at the end of the dois and urls, because that dot may not work when you click it.

-Do not put "y", "and", "et" or "&", etc., before the last author. For the robot of GS "y" could be an initial of the author (Yves, Yvonne, Yussef, Yuri, Yuta, Yasser...), and in any case that conjunction in the language that be is also unnecessary, and the unnecessary it is that to delete it.

-Not to separate neither surnames nor names by means of commas, because it is not clear for the robot of GS which name is of which surname. The authors must be delimited by means of semicolon ";", even the last one. For example, this should not be allowed, which we can still find in many journals: Gómez, J, Pérez, M, Rodríguez, L and Fernández A. It is a negligence of the editors that these authors appear like this, almost as anonymous.

-Not to reduce the first names to the initial, because nowadays with so many authors as there are many ambiguities. Authors should be recorded with their full first names and with both surnames necessarily linked by a hyphen. Authors' names must be written in full everywhere: in the journal's summary, in the bibliographic reference "how to cite", first page of the article, page headers... The names of the authors are sacred.

-Do not include unnecessary information such as "Online", "Internet", "Available at", "Retrieved from", etc., since the url or doi is already evidencing the location of the cited document. As we have said before: what is not useful must be deleted.

-Even so, do not include other useless information such as the date of consultation. There is no need to overload the references with this useless information. Both the author when writing the article and the editor when reviewing the text have had to check that the url works. If we trust the veracity of the author's text, we also have to trust that he used that online reference. The date of consultation is that of the publication of the magazine, and it is unnecessary to put it in the references.

-Do not put et al. from the 2nd or 4th author (as recommended by some styles) because those authors who are going to be hidden under "et al." will not receive their citation and their index h will be lower. There is nothing to prevent putting the names of all the authors, except in extreme and unusual cases of, for example, more than a dozen, in which case there will be no other solution than to put et al. from any of them. Having many co-authors will be less serious for those who remain hidden under et al.

-In the references section, when there are several references from the same author or institution, do not substitute one line from the second reference. For each reference, the name of the author or institution should be written. Think again about the automatic indexing of robots, how can they assign that authorship to authors if there is only one line?

-Many people get confused with abbreviated volume and number formats, for example 7(4) or 7:4. They don't remember what corresponds to the volume and what corresponds to the number. Therefore, an explicit format such as v. 7, n. 4 is better. In addition, there are journals that have only volume or only numbers, and it must be clear what that is.

-Don't abbreviate the pagination. For example, do not write pp. 242-8, but pp. 242-248.

For more information, please send an email to:, with a copy to:

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Articles results of research processes

Publish articles results of research processes


Estas revisiones las solicitara directamente al autor el equipo editorial.  Si desea que se evalua una revision favor enviarla previamente al correo de la revista. Una vez se defina el interes de la revsita podra someterla. 

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in this journaland will not be provided for any other purpose or to third parties.

Criterio Libre Jurídico journalfollows the guidelines of the Data Protection Policy - Free University