Analysis of monitoring the state contract

the role of surveillance and anti-corruption mechanism


  • Gabriel Jaime Mármol Universidad Santo Tomás



State contract, contract execution, end state, supervision, monitoring, contracting entity, public prerogatives, management, control and monitoring, administrative morality, corruption


Although it seems minar theme supervision of contracts by state agencies, can not be treated as a purely formally issue because it is from it that the prerogatives of power assigned to the authority consider are activated such figure is the link that connects it to the contractor during contract execution; is part of the hypothesis under which appropriate administrative measures preventive, corrective, punitive, character should be adopted and even allowing the act watchdogs upon the occurrence of any events that violate provisions of criminal, disciplinary or tax. That is why the subject should be appointed to develop minimum quality in the knowledge of the activity resulting flat contracted obligations to meet, and even more when you attend activities more complex and varied aspects, for which teams should be formed plural of supervisors, or support for it. Therefore, the non-appointment of the supervisor is not an omission without repercussions, since this role will always be assigned who legally represents the entity or his or her delegate contractual competition, but may be invoked as a defense to liability not competent against the practica! case in which the contractual object is developed. To this should be considered the new addition that she is credited as a mechanism to combat corruption , in spite that it is not in the contractual stage where the greatest acts that infect harmful practices that attempt hover administrative morality; become relevant hence the different aspects of it , that is, identifying characteristics which distinguish the auditing, beyond his name; meet legal duties, the designated subject and suitability, etc.


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How to Cite

Analysis of monitoring the state contract: the role of surveillance and anti-corruption mechanism. (2013). Academia & Derecho, 7, 145-169.