Dedication of “Nuestra Señora del Socorro”


  • Wilman Amaya León Universidad Libre


Province of Socorro, Advocacion Mariana, Nuestra Señora del Socorro


The origin and development of the Municipality of Socorro (Santander), has always been linked to the Marian advocation of the Virgin of Our Lady of Socorro; since its inception, the founders of the parish in the mid-seventeenth century adopted it as a protective mother and four centuries later it continues to be its guardian beacon; Because of the importance that it has from the religious point of view and because it took its name, knowing the origin of the Advocacy generates a singular interest for the community.


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Author Biography

  • Wilman Amaya León, Universidad Libre

    Doctor en Fundamentos de Derecho Político

    Docente de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.


