Melva Inés-Gómez-Caicedo*
Nelson Orlando Alarcón Villamil**
Mercedes Gaitán-Angulo***
Johemir Pérez Pertuz****
Rodrigo Ramírez-Pisco*****
* Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores, ORCID: 0000-0002-9020-0051 Correo electrónico:
**Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores, ORCID: 0000-0001-6700-6317 Correo electrónico:
***Konrad Lorenz University, ORCID: 0000-0002-8248-8788 Correo electrónico:
****Escuela de Investigación Criminal, ORCID: 0000-0002-5094-0530 Correo electrónico:
*****Universitat Carlemany, ORCID: 0000-0001-8648-3805 Correo electró
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Gómez, M. I., Alarcón N. O, Gaitán, M., Pérez, J. y Ramírez, R. (2024). Associativity And Marketing: Key Factors for Business Competitiveness: Case Study Colombia. Revista Criterio Libre, 22(41).
Fecha de recepción: 4 de abril de 2024 Fecha de aprobación: 4 de mayo de 2024
Este estudio presenta los resultados de una evaluación realizada a empresas que operan en el sector turístico, analizadas en el contexto del impacto causado por la pandemia de Covid-19. El objetivo de esta investigación es establecer la relación entre las políticas y prácticas de gestión relacionadas con los procesos asociativos de diferentes unidades empresariales. El estudio emplea la herramienta MIGSA, que ayuda a identificar, entre otros factores, cómo se interrelacionan variables como la asociatividad y el marketing. Los hallazgos revelan un comportamiento heterogéneo entre las empresas, particularmente en su interés por desarrollar nuevas prácticas para promover el crecimiento empresarial. Esto resalta la necesidad continua de aprendizaje y la generación de actividades relacionadas con la investigación, la innovación y el desarrollo.
Palabras clave: Asociatividad, Competitividad, Covid-19, América Latina.
This study presents the results of an evaluation conducted on companies operating in the tourism sector, analyzed in the context of the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between policies and management practices related to the associative processes of different business units. The study employs the MIGSA tool, which helps to identify, among other factors, how variables such as associativity and marketing are interrelated. The findings reveal a heterogeneous behavior among companies, particularly in their interest in developing new practices to promote business growth. This highlights the ongoing need for continuous learning and the generation of activities related to research, innovation, and development.
Keywords: associativity, competitiveness, Covid-19, Latin America
1. Introduction
Globalization has led to significant changes in the way businesses are established, enabling the development of activities that facilitate business growth (Giddens, 2018). This phenomenon is also accompanied by processes driven by emerging technological trends, which in turn generate cultural, social, economic, environmental, and other transformations (Reyes et al., 2018).
Therefore, it is essential for companies to implement strategies such as mergers, alliances, networks, production chains, cooperatives, associations, and other modalities that enable them to adapt, articulate, and interact at both macro and micro levels. These strategies facilitate the generation of synergies for the development of sustainable linkages over time, which is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and achieving efficient growth (Avendaño, 2014).
Therefore, it is necessary for companies to carry out strategies such as mergers, alliances, networks, production chains, cooperatives, associations and other modalities that allow them to adapt, articulate and interact at macro and micro levels, allowing them to generate synergies for the development of sustainable linkages over time, in order to be competitive and grow efficiently over time (Avendaño et al, 2014).
It is important to emphasize that humanity has faced various pandemics that significantly impact the economy, health systems, beliefs, and perceptions of the surrounding reality (León, Rincón, & Duque, 2020). These challenges compel individuals, influenced by their environment and the factors affecting their daily lives, to adapt their decision-making mechanisms. These mechanisms are shaped by cultural contexts and operate based on the principles that collectively inform their rationality (Weigand, 2006).
Similarly, Santa Álvarez, Hernández Bernal, and Pabón Pérez (2019) note that, in response to the effects of globalization, various alternatives have been developed to enhance SMEs in Colombia. One notable strategy involves fostering associativity, which effectively strengthens different sectors of the economy.
Authors such as Ibáñez et al. (2015), Quillahuamán and Carasas (2018), and Mosquera et al. (2021) argue that one effective tactic to enhance competitiveness is sectoral collaboration, supported by the associativity of organizations. This approach generates benefits such as the development of suppliers, improved responsiveness to overall demand, and consequently enhanced productivity, all of which facilitate access to international markets.
Mira (2018) highlights that human beings are inherently associative and require both cooperation and competition among their peers to emerge, improve, progress, develop, and transcend.
The study by Carbajal, Tovar, and Zimmerman (2017) presents a model of associativity within the production chain of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the citrus agribusiness sector in northern Veracruz, Mexico. The research establishes the significance of direct actors, services, environmental factors, and government policies that influence associativity within this production chain. It demonstrates that such collaboration fosters greater cooperation and synergies among the companies involved, ultimately leading to mutual benefits. Additionally, the study emphasizes the critical role of government policies that support associativity.
Another model designed to promote the associativity of SMEs is presented by Sánchez-García et al (2020). This model advocates for the integration of systemic methods, including partial least squares modeling and the viable system model, as alternatives to enhance complementarity and improve responsiveness and adaptability within the tourism sector.
Likewise, Alarcón-Villamil, Gómez-Caicedo & Stellian (2016) have been able to carry out studies in SMEs based on the Sustainable Management and Associativity Indicators Model, which contemplates aspects that evaluate business practices and their focus on processes that are aimed at improving the competitiveness of companies.
Thus, associativity plays a crucial role in the growth of companies, serving as a tool that enables them to swiftly develop strategies to adapt to market challenges, strengthen their presence in domestic markets, and enhance their competitiveness in international markets.
The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between management policies and practices related to associative processes among different business units, focusing on a case study of SMEs engaged in tourism activities in Bogotá, specifically in the areas of accommodation and lodging services, gastronomy, and travel agencies.
The study involved the participation of 102 companies in the city of Bogotá that carry out tourism activities and have been operating for more than 5 years. The evaluation of the SMEs was based on the use of the Model of Indicators of Sustainable Management and Associativity MIGSA, which allows to evaluate and quantitatively measure the degree of progress in the implementation of management policies and practices in the companies.
2. Partnership and Competitiveness
Currently, numerous studies emphasize the importance of establishing business practices and metrics that enhance the competitive development of companies. As a result, various investigations have been conducted on factors that promote effective resource utilization. Gallarza et al. (2013) focus their research on the symmetry in business relationships, while Mwesiumo and Halpern (2016), examine conflicts between organizations and the value chain, which can create business opportunities.
Valaei et al. (2017), identify a significant issue among tourism SMEs: organizational inconsistency, which negatively affects their learning capabilities and overall performance. Through structural equation modeling, the authors demonstrate that aspects such as explanatory learning strategies and creativity can contribute to innovation processes that allow SMEs to remain competitive in the market.
Similarly, Aboelmaged (2018) evaluates sustainability in the manufacturing practices of SMEs, highlighting the importance of examining relationships and impacts among specific components, such as the environment and organizational structures. The main findings indicate that stakeholders represent a critical component of the environment, exerting significant influence over the management capabilities of SMEs. Authors like Ali et al. (2017) and Zhang and Cao (2018) recognize that both the management style implemented in SMEs and the development of adaptive capabilities are factors that stimulate innovation. Their studies report that this innovation capacity occurs internally, focusing on strengthening decision-making processes, succession planning, and, to a lesser extent, employee development.
Jardón and Martos (2012), argue that due to their organizational characteristics and management capabilities, SMEs should adopt inter-organizational or collective efforts to enhance efficiency and profitability in a highly standardized market characterized by aggressive competition. The findings suggest that for such collectivity to become a reality, management, coordination, and performance mechanisms must be aligned. Proper configuration and relationships among these components enable service sector SMEs to improve process quality and foster customer loyalty, as noted by Fararah and AlSwidi (2013).
In this context, Wu et al. (2014) emphasize that given the turbulent environment in which these companies operate, it is nearly impossible for them to compete and sustain their market presence without engaging in supply chains or collaborative, goal-oriented clusters. The cited studies further highlight that forming beneficial interrelationships relies on trust, commitment, reciprocity, and power. Additionally, the results indicate that relationships among these components are advantageous for organizations, as they facilitate collaboration and information transfer.
Associativity is defined as "a mechanism of cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises, where each participant, while maintaining its legal independence and management autonomy, voluntarily decides to engage in a joint effort with others in pursuit of a common goal" (Mendizábal, 2012). Under this framework, associativity is characterized as a free and voluntary decision. However, Rifo, a professor at the Universidad del Bío Bío in Chile, posits that the concept of associativity extends beyond a mere sum of wills; it encompasses synergy in market activities, solidarity in the face of competition, and the exchange of experiences and knowledge, along with the strengthening of support networks. Only through this comprehensive approach does associativity become, according to Rifo, the foundation of entrepreneurship, as it alleviates fear and facilitates the sharing of individual skills (Cáceres, 2017; Alba, Arévalo & Rojas, 2018).
The Andean Community of Nations defines associativity as a cooperative method wherein each member maintains administrative independence and strategic competence, while collectively sharing the objective of creating better conditions to participate in increasingly competitive markets (CAN General Secretariat, 2013). Santa Álvarez, Hernández Bernal, and Pabón Pérez (2019), note that associativity benefits the country as a whole by equipping companies with the skills necessary to confront market challenges and achieve common objectives, thereby promoting sustainable development in various regions.
An important concept related to associativity is competitiveness, which has been addressed by authors such as Altenburg et al. (1998), they assess competitiveness through production factors such as land, capital, natural resources, and labor. Ricardo's well-known theory of comparative advantage, still relevant today, was an early attempt to understand how nations compete. However, several economists later recognized that production-related factors alone could not fully explain competitiveness. Throughout the 20th century, various renowned economists contributed to a deeper understanding of this concept. Schumpeter (1951) highlighted the crucial role of entrepreneurship as a driver of development, a theory that was later applied to management by Drucker (1993). Solow (1957), a Nobel Prize-winning economist from MIT, examined the growth factors that fueled the U.S. economy from 1948 to 1982.
3. Methodology
The research was conducted to establish the relationship between policies and management practices related to associative processes among various business units engaged in tourism activities in Bogotá, specifically in accommodation and lodging services, gastronomy, and travel agencies. The study involved the participation of 102 companies operating in Bogotá's tourism sector, all of which have been in business for over five years. Information was collected using the MIGSA Model of Indicators for Sustainable Management and Associativity, which facilitates the evaluation and quantitative measurement of the degree of progress in implementing management policies and practices within these companies.
The MIGSA model facilitates organizational diagnosis based on two dimensions, nine properties, 31 indicators, and 112 measurement indices, which collectively provide a comprehensive overview of the company's internal management aimed at promoting productivity and competitiveness through both internal and external elements or actions (Alarcón-Villamil, Gómez-Caicedo, & Stellian, 2016; Riveros, Corrales, & Bohórquez, 2015; Danna-Buitrago, Alarcón-Villamil, & Gómez-Caicedo, 2014). The properties are designed to distinguish the functional areas of the company and to integrate as many stakeholders as possible for the analysis. This study focuses on the analysis of one dimension of the model, specifically associativity, which comprises 21 evaluation indices corresponding to an equal number of company management initiatives.
In the methodological aspects of this factorial-type research, principal component analysis (PCA) was employed
The statistical software STATA 15 was utilized for data management. PCA is a multivariate technique aimed at identifying the presence or absence of linear combinations among variables-specifically, the MIGSA measurement indices-so that the maximum amount of variation between them can be explained. The goal of PCA is to simplify or combine correlated variables in a manner that allows for the total variance to be adequately explained.
It is important to note that the use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is particularly beneficial for the analysis conducted, given its nature and the characteristics of the units of analysis. However, in studies involving a larger number of variables, heterogeneous units of analysis, or different economic sectors, as well as in cases where there are missing values in the observations, the reliability and relevance of PCA can be significantly compromised.
For the application of PCA, the following steps were undertaken: first, the definition of the problem; second, the preparation of the correlation matrix to assess the suitability of PCA, which involved conducting Bartlett's test and estimating the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure; third, the factor analysis method was chosen, specifically PCA; fourth, the number of factors was determined through the estimation of eigenvalues and a sedimentation graph; fifth, the factors were rotated; and finally, the factors were interpreted.
4. Results and analysis
For the analysis and presentation of results, the companies were numbered from 1 to 102, with each number representing a distinct business unit among the 102 studied. Given that the study aims to establish the relationship between management policies and practices related to the associative processes of these companies to define competitive profiles, the analysis and description of results focus exclusively on the 21 indices measuring the property referred to as "Perceptions and Practices of Associativity" within the MIGSA framework. The evaluated indices are presented in Table 1.
Table 2 shows the correlation between the results of each pair of measurement indices compared. For the analysis, we used a statistical significance limit of 0.05, a level at which it could be established that only the correlation between the MPA and CEBK indices does not offer a good degree of shared or explained variability, given that the r^2= 0.032 statistic.
From the table it can be established that the measurement indices of the property Perceptions and Associativity Practices show correlations different from zero, which implies that there is an association or linear relationship between them. However, in order to define the relevance or not of the PCA, it was necessary to test the Barlett's sphericity test and estimate the KMO.
4.1 Barlett's test of sphericity test for the sample
From the test performed it can be determined that since thep-value is 0.000 and is less than the significance level, the null hypothesis, Ho=" variables are not intercorrelated", is rejected, implying that there is intercorrelation between the variables. Furthermore, the Kaisen-Meyer-Olkin KMO estimate was 0.918, which shows the suitability of the analyzed data for factor analysis and implies that the PCA is relevant to reduce the variables.
Subsequently, based on the estimation of the factors, the assessment of the fit and the use of the latent root criterion - which states that any individual factor must account for the variance of at least a single variable - eigenvalues greater than 1 were considered and the PCA was found to be adequate.
Table 3 lists the eigenvalues for each component, which are considered principal components and are related to the 21 measurement indices studied.
Table 3 allows us to identify that the factors called comp 1, comp 2 and comp 3 resulting from the application of the PCA explain 63.4% of the variability of the indicators. However, to define the number of components, the criterion of eigenvalue above 1 is used. Since it was not possible to clearly define the number of factors, the sedimentation graph - Figure 1 - is used.
From the sedimentation plot and the use of the eigenvalue criterion above 1, it is possible to define the use of 2 factors within the analysis.
To simplify the factor structure, orthogonal Varimax rotation was used to minimize the number of variables with high saturation. Table 4 shows the factor loadings in an orthogonal way.
For the interpretation of the factors from Table 4, use is made of the criterion of practical significance of the factor loadings. From this perspective, loadings greater than 0.5 are considered statistically significant and allow us to identify whether a factor explains an index or variable of analysis. From this, the factor loadings are plotted to identify where each factor is concentrating most of the data -measurement indices- (Figure 2).
Based on the rotated factor loadings, the distribution of the measurement indices of the studied MIGSA property was established in two groups called Factor 1 and Factor 2 - Table 5.
Then, Factor 1 is highly correlated with the measurement indices VAEE, VAC, VACNT, VACC, VARC, RSG, RSE, RSIP, RSAE, MIAE, MIGA, MICN, MICA, CEBK, LEIP, LEPG and LEPP. The common characteristic of this group has to do with the interest in internal and external initiatives and practices for the relationship and interaction with public and private companies,
Factor 2 is correlated with the measurement indices MPIA, MPTL, MPIAA and MPS, interest in internal and external initiatives and practices related to internal resource management processes.
From this perspective, in accordance with the PCA carried out with the 102 companies that develop tourism activities and have been operating in the city of Bogotá for more than 5 years, the following profile of associativity was established:
Axis 1 (Factor 1): Partnership through internal and external initiatives and practices for engagement and interaction with third parties.
Axis 2 (Factor 2): Partnership through internal and external initiatives and practices for productive maximization in internal processes.
To improve the analysis, the estimation of factor scores is carried out to identify more easily the location of the sample data and the existence or not of outliers. Figure 3 presents the estimates of the factor scores of the companies in the plane formed by the defined axes.
Based on Figure 3 and the definition of the Factor 1 and Factor 2 axes, 4 quadrants are established. The first quadrant is characterized by the concern for advancing internal and external associative initiatives for relations with third parties and maximizing production in internal processes. Companies 44, 82, 79, 26, 70, 65, 57, 57, 90, 72, 40, 48, 89, 98, 55, 99, 24, 36, 14, 78, 56, among others, are in this quadrant.
A second quadrant is characterized by a lack of concern for advancing internal and external associative initiatives for relations with third parties and maximizing production in internal processes. This quadrant includes companies 21, 16, 1, 17, 5, 15, 4, 63, 7, 6, 6, 77, 58, 23, 32, 49, 101, 52, 2, 8, 20, 9, 68, among others.
A third quadrant is characterized by a concern for advancing internal and external associative initiatives for relations with third parties, but little concern for advancing internal and external initiatives and practices for maximining production in internal processes. Companies 81, 84, 95, 64, 69, 102, 88, 97, 11, 18, 66, 67, 54, 37, 50, 100, 59, 71, 12, 13, 94, among others, are located in this quadrant.
A fourth quadrant is characterized by a lack of concern for advancing internal and external associative initiatives for relations with third parties, but concern for advancing internal and external initiatives and practices for maximizing production in internal processes. Companies 29, 39, 60, 91, 92, 74, 41, 42, 76, 73, 22, 27, 31, 25, 87, 85, 35, among others, are located in this quadrant.
5. Conclusions
The study, and in particular the PCA Principal Component Analysis allowed to establish the existence of the relationship between the policies and management practices of the companies, as well as to identify aspects that summarize the valiability of the business activities of the 102 companies, which are characterized by the concern to advance internal and external initiatives for the relationship with third parties and the productive maximization in the internal processes and which contribute to their associative processes.
Furthermore, from the analysis carried out and the location of the companies studied, it could be determined that the companies studied show heterogeneous behavior in their concern for advancing internal and external initiatives of associativity for the relationship with third parties and the maximization of production in internal processes, given that no marked similarities were found between groups of companies in activities such as accommodation and lodging services, gastronomy and travel agencies.
However, in this sense, it is important to mention that the companies located in the first quadrant, characterized by the concern for advancing internal and external initiatives of associativity for the relationship with third parties and the maximization of production in internal processes, are companies that develop different economic activities and only share the fact that they are large business units with intensive capital needs.
For this reason, similar comparative studies with large and medium-sized companies in different geographical locations and economic sectors in Colombia can be considered as a future research process.
From the study, it can be recommended to business units that carry out activities in the tourism sector that they promote internal and external management policies and practices to promote trust and the generation of joint work ties. This relationship of trust can be improved through the joint generation of spaces and work tables to promote learning and active participation in representation scenarios.
Author contributions
The authors participated in the construction of the theoretical framework that supports the research; as well as in the collection, data processing and analysis of the information that supports the development of the article. Therefore, they agree with what is stated in this document.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no potential conflict of interests.
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